
Showing posts from January, 2022

Being a Professional Faultfinder

I think that being a "professional faultfinder" (specifically a translator and a translation checker here, and possibly in the ASD spectrum) is disadvantageous to relationships. :-) Having been trained in the science and art of translation and translation checking where the key is to communicate an intended meaning in the most accurate, natural and clearest way possible, my tendency is to try to understand the meaning of a communication completely and exhaustively as possible. I think that this is the reason why a lot of times, I find myself finding implied information in people's statements which later on they would claim that they did not mean to imply; but to all my senses, the implications are too obvious one could not mistake them for anything else. At other times, in my effort to become very clear in my communication, hopefully to have no room for misinterpretation, people find my conversations too specific, too detailed and therefore cumbersome because it is t...

PAST Insanities

One habit I have when the clock strikes midnight is to make sure my glass slippers don't fall off my feet as I run to the... hahaha!!! Seriously, what I do is that I look at my Facebook posts memories and see what was up with me all these past years.  Lately I have been seeing lots of angsty poetry both in English and Kalanguya.  It is a bit encouraging for me to look back and realize that I am in a better place now in terms of my health, biopsycho-spiritually, I mean, if my writings from years ago were to bear witness about my "now and then."  Here is one that I lifted from today's memories.   One angstsy Friday... (a repost from years ago) In my moments of stupidity… sometimes, I wish I never knew You so that I can just hate people who make life unbearable.  When I hurt, I wish I never knew You so that I can just wallow in my pain  and not acknowledge the fact  that You’ve suffered worse pain than this so that I can be freed from everything incl...