
Showing posts from December, 2006


These pictures were taken during a lunch fellowship with the Binwag Family at Lagawe and of course kasama na ang gallivanting!.. hehehe


You probably have heard this before:  That thing they say... that we should not let our past limit what we can be at present and what we could become in the future... or something like that.  And you probably have heard that song by Kelly Clarkson called "Because of you."  One line says, "Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk..."  and it goes on to say how her past has influenced her attitude towards her present life. I have read some comments from listeners of the song that the singer was actually kind of singing this song to her father.  I do not know if this is true but  I'll take a wild guess that this song is becoming an apt description of the reality of more and more children esp. teenagers and young adults of today.  I am personally acquainted with one or two. All of us have a past but only a handful (or did I get the statistics upside down?) has an all-good-all-happy past. Most of us have ghosts from the past that still haunt u...


Start:      Dec 22, '06 6:00p End:      Dec 22, '06 10:00p Location:      CFM Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya Kalanguya Professionals First Think Tank

Sarit Hadad - K'shehalev Bocheh

This is a Hebrew song sang by one of my favorite singers Ms. Sarit Hadad. It's almost like a national song for Israelis but it can be pretty personal too. I have made an entry earlier with the transliteration of the words plus a literal translation. Go down to April or May Archives if you wanna see it.

Light the candles


The year 2006 is almost over and this is a good time to look back and see what the Lord has done through and with the Kalanguya Bible Translation Team. In early May of this year, we submitted the manuscript of 8 more OT books for typesetting and eventually printing.  Last week, we got 200 copies of it fresh from the printing press.  Praise the Lord with us. In the middle of this year, two NT commentaries were also published in Kalanguya:  A commentary on Romans which the Team helped to check and edit and a commentary on the Book of Hebrews which I have put together from different sources.  It is now being used by Bible teachers in the villages up in the mountains.  It is very encouraging for the translation team to finally see some of our efforts come to fruition just as God has promised to carry us through the task.  In my previous blog entry  I have introduced the members of the Kalanguya Bible...


Father, You heal a broken heart Father, You dry incessant tears Father, You comfort a weeping soul Father, You forgive a sinner’s heart.     Oh Lord, I’ll come back to You No matter how far I ran away from You No matter how deep I fell into the mire Thank You Father, You came and set me free.     Father, You keep no records of wrong Your grace pardons the unfaithful one Father, You’ll lead me to the right path Hand in hand, Your love will take me home.   dearest, may you find peace as you begin listening to God’s heartbeat again…