The year 2006 is almost over and this is a good time to look back and see what the Lord has done through and with the Kalanguya Bible Translation Team.

In early May of this year, we submitted the manuscript of 8 more OT books for typesetting and eventually printing.  Last week, we got 200 copies of it fresh from the printing press.  Praise the Lord with us.

In the middle of this year, two NT commentaries were also published in Kalanguya:  A commentary on Romans which the Team helped to check and edit and a commentary on the Book of Hebrews which I have put together from different sources.  It is now being used by Bible teachers in the villages up in the mountains.  It is very encouraging for the translation team to finally see some of our efforts come to fruition just as God has promised to carry us through the task. 

In my previous blog entry I have introduced the members of the Kalanguya Bible Translation Team.  We are Margie (myself), Sarah (my sister), Bagly (my uncle), and Norman (my friend).  [Yes, we're keeping it a family business (hehehe, joke).]  For the past few months, I have been working on a Bible Study Guide on 1Corinthians.  We have just finished the final checking and have sent the manuscript to the printer just last Tuesday.  Hopefully, it will be in the hands of the church in mid-January.

Sarah has been working on Jeremiah.  She finished the draft a month ago and is now in the process of doing all the other rechecking jobs.  We will be peer-checking it as soon as I finish checking Bagly's 1-month Devotional which he hopes to get printed in a trial version this month.  Norman is in the process of drafting Micah.  This is his first real Bible Translation task so he is very excited and nervous at the same time.  I started translating William McDonald's commentary on 2Corinthians and also drafting Isaiah bit by bit. :)  We hope to have Jeremiah, Micah, and Zephaniah (which I translated sometime ago) Consultant Checked by  February or March. 

Apart from these translation tasks, the team was also involved in other church-related activities over the months such as evangelistic mini-concerts and Sports Evangelism in various Kalanguya villages in the Kalanguya country.

We praise God for the opportunity to serve Him and be a part of His plan to bring in more souls not only the Kalanguyas in to His Kingdom.

Please be with us in your prayers as the Team plan to do the following before 2006 ends:

1.  A Christmas Dinner with the Working Class Kalanguya with the Theme 'Partnership in Mission" on December 22nd.  Please pray for our speaker, preparations, and participants.  We aim to get them 'seriously' involved in moving the Kalanguya local churches into growing in all aspects.

2.  Launching of  " THE SEEKERS" Music Band.  They will perform during the Christmas Dinner.  Norman is the Band Leader.

3.  Pray also for me and Bong as we decide what to do with our lives next (hehehe)... that is if we will go back to seminary comes June or stay home and write and translate some more while Bong disciples the student residents in CFM.  Pray that we will be doing the Lord's will as we plan our next move.  You may also include praying with us for a little one. :)  If that's what the Lord wants for us.

4.  Pray for a planned Parents and Students Conference here in CFM in March of next year.  Most of the students and their parents (students residing in the dorms here in CFM) are yet to hear and believe the Gospel.  With this, pray for our Consultants (UB A and AJ A)  as they travel from the US to the PI in early February 2007 for this conference and for Bible Translation Consultation.

Thank you all and May our God richly bless you,

Margie and (for Sarah, Bob, Norman, and Bong)


Jean B said… praying for y'all...
Margie Lumawan said…
Thanks ading ko... I hope you're feelin better now.... :)

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