I have been despairing at how laziness, listlessness, lack of energy, and panic have somewhat overtaken me at a time when I should be working double time for my coursework.  I have been telling my confidante how things have been going with me, and how I am panicking at the prospect of not being able to beat my deadlines.  Then last night I finished the book that I have been reading for my quiet times so I searched for a devotional from the net.  I came across something written by Chuck Swindoll that led me to read Job 3:1-26.  I had to laugh because, I was on the verge of doing just what Job did in that chapter.  At many points in my life, I have sensed the Lord's good humor.  While reading Job 3, I almost can hear Him chuckling and grinning at me.  Well, Job 3 is of course not a laughing matter, far from it, actually.  But with my frame of mind, it was just the thing I needed to smile and stop pitying myself.  And then I searched again, and this is what I got.

October 7

And because ye are sons, God hath sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.--GAL. iv. 6.

O Lord, forgive my sin,
And deign to put within
A calm, obedient heart, a patient mind;
That I may murmur not,
Though bitter seem my lot;
For hearts unthankful can no blessing find.
M. RUTILIUS, 1604.

Resignation to the Divine Will signifies a cheerful approbation and
thankful acceptance of everything that comes from God. It is not enough
patiently to submit, but we must thankfully receive and fully approve of
everything that, by the order of God's providence, happens to us. For there
is no reason why we should be patient, but what is as good and as strong a
reason why we should be thankful. Whenever, therefore, you find yourself
disposed to uneasiness or murmuring at any thing that is the effect of
God's providence over you, you must look upon yourself as denying either
the wisdom or goodness of God.

I praise God for His TIMING!  He never Fails!

Thank you Father for your sustaining grace... I worship you for your greatness, your wisdom, your forgiveness, your holiness, your Being... Thank you for the truths of your Words.  Thank you for your peace, thank you for the strength and your presence.  In the name of Your Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.


Amen, amen... :)
kris Golden said…
How comforting it is to relate with spiritual giant like Job in his test and adventures of faith. Thanks for sharing my dear sister. God bless. Hugs
sarah Pido said…
Amen ;-) Thank you Lord for the peace and strength that you shower us everyday.
Margie Lumawan said…
hello manang! welcome back! nabayag lan andi ka :) On toto-wa, halamat di kaahin Apo tep kaonnay ni nayon. God bless din po, and hugs to you as well!

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