
I was hovering over a library counter yesterday where lots of sci-fi, mystery novels, and thrillers are on display. After a while, the lady at the counter looked up and saw me flipping the pages of some of the books. She said, "Hmm, so you like science fiction. I don't like them!" "I have read some, but they're not my favorites," I answered wondering if B will be thrilled with the mystery ones and thrillers.  I know he loves war novels.  The lady raised her eyebrows because it was obvious by the way I was stacking the books that I have a plan to take them with me.

I've bought some books from the same library before so I know that they will only cost me a negligible amount. I don't know but it seems silly to me to pass up owning good novels when they only cost 5pesos a piece. So I asked the librarian to put the books in a box as I run to my room to get some money.

Now, I just finished marking the books and I looked at the shelves of novels and other books that I have bought the last six months (not to mention those that were given to me by friends who know of my book-obsession) and thought that I should make it a point to read one book a week or I might not live long enough to read them all, haha! And that I should start a reading journal to kind of put down my thoughts after I read one book. Not a bad plan, right? But I am one of those people who would write down things to do but end up doing other things because as soon as I finish my list, I would start feeling oppressed and controlled and strangled by my to-do-list.

On another topic, I've been attending a lecture/workshop on Discourse analysis and the readings are on a pdf file that we read off our laptops. I get terrible headaches after a few hours of doing that and been wanting to ask for a printed copy of the manuals we've been following, but have not gotten the guts to ask for one. I was hoping some of the participants will get headaches too so that one would ask for a hard copy. Why shouldn't that one be me? Good question... I guess the answer is... because I'm still terrified of teachers.... just like in first grade. LOL.


Bob Ambrosius said…
Well, Margie,I guess you'll just have to be the one to speak up and ask for the hard copy!! You REALLY don't want to endure those headaches, right?? Nice that you have such ambitions to read - I do as well - but rarely follow through with them! I get distracted by FoxNews Channel, as you know! Maybe you can inspire me to read more again!
bob arsenio said…
kan Sarah ay ehleg toy workshop yo kono. hope you will have a hard copy soon not when after the workshop is over:)
Margie Lumawan said…
hi AJ, :) the lecture is done, hehe, don't need the manual anymore. :) Guess what, inalinan mowak ni pamboyan Fox news channel. :)
Margie Lumawan said…
uncle, men hapa wada law i oblam? ... ahleg to niti, ma-ma to et English English i hapit, kamaima-man naligat i awat to :D

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