I was thinking about changing the face of this blog to fit the valentine mood of the month but I thought back at how it bored me in the past when I tried to put back my links and other features in the page, and so I decided against it. Perhaps it would be better to do a series of blog on love. But then I thought again, and there was really nothing I could write about the subject that the great poets and great novelists and playwrights have not already written. What then am I to do when I am second-guessing myself at every idea that comes in this shell of mine? Well, maybe a few stories about the loves of some people I know, but then I would need permission to do that. That made me decide that I'll just share some moments in the times when the three great loves of life happened. Hah!

I got this idea when it occurred to me that in the last few months, my exes were able to get in touch with me and the friendly talks we had had kind of helped me to lay my ghosts to rest. As in every relationship that ends, there are ties that the people who were involved in that relationship have to untie together in order for them to have at least a clean break if not to unbreak their broken hearts. And I was grateful to my two exes for being the sport that they are. More than anyone, I am very appreciative of my husband for giving me the thumbs up to do this... just to indulge my love for writing and drama, though I am nothing but a trying hard amateur.

So to anyone who comes by this page, the stories, poems, and other nonsensical stuff you'll read here will be about the three greatest loves of my life.

As I have told my second ex before, we do move on after each ended relationship, but it would be dishonest, I think, not to admit that one is never able to get all the pieces of her heart back after love ends. But the great thing about love is that one might leave a piece of his or her heart behind with someone, but you can always be sure that you can still give it whole to the next one. So to the two who used to have my heart, and will always have a piece of it, thanks for the care and love that you've shown in those years that we were together, even though in the end, we went our separate ways. And to the one who now has the whole piece, I love you and thank you for keeping my heart, I have given it to you; and as I have offered mine, you did give me yours! You are now the love of my life, and you will be 'til I pull my last breath.


Kayni said…
indeed, a piece of the heart always gets left behind whenever the rel'ship doesn't work out with someone, but then, we meet this 'someone' who's going to make you feel whole again. am i making sense, sis? lol.

happy valentine's day!
G said…
yes, sis... i know what you mean.. :)
G said…
And happy heart's day to you too.. :D

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