Of money lenders and being overweight
First, Welcome Back, self! I haven't been here for so long. I haven't been anywhere, if you must know, other than at my Facebook wall. Needless to say, I miss blogging. I got lazy, to be honest. A laziness that was all encompassing that it became a lifestyle for a whole year or so. What prompted me to dig up my username and reset my password so that I could log on in here again? Well, a socially-motivated observation. I was in a micro-lending office this morning where people from all walks of life were trying to get their hands on a few dimes to make ends meet for their families. Okay, probably not from all walks of life, just from my "chosen" kind of life. I had a little emergency this week so I heeded my little sister's advice and went to a lender. I could not help but notice the condescension being thrown at people's faces around that table this morning. The tone of voice, the expression on the faces of the lenders, the upward tilt of their chins, i...