HALLELUJAH with Margie and Bong for the great things that God is doing in their lives...

The year 2005-2006 has been quite a year for me personally. These are the highlights:

May 01, 2005 - Bong and I reached our First year wedding anniversary with minimal damage to each other's sanity... hehehe ... seriously, the Lord blessed me with a very loving, understanding and selfless husband... iloveyoubest

June, 2005 - The Kalanguya Translation Team saw the first fruit of their labor when OT books Proverbs, Ruth and Jonah were published after a month of Consultant Checking.

October 2005 - I was invited to write a a paper and present it in England on January 2006. I accepted and wrote the paper. (I didn't go though due to visa problems but my paper was presented.)

February 2006 - There were talks and invitations of me going on to doctorate education.

March 2006 - I let myself be bullied into saying yes to coordinate a translation workshop.
March 17 - I am on my last lap of being a twenty---ager.
March 27-April 7 - I did my best (but I guessed my best wasn't good enough) :) in doing my job as a workshop coordinator at the 2nd Agta/Ayta MTT Training.

April 9, 2006 - I went to Manila to be graduated with an MA in Applied Linguistics and came home with a very unexpected but nice surprise... The biggest chunk of the bacon... Academic Excellence Award.

April 9, 2006 Evening - I saw, tasted, ate and took home a slice of the biggest Pizza of my life courtesy of my mentors and friends: Thank you to all of you (you know who you are:)



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