Done... At Last

Yesterday, Bob, Judy, Sarah, and I submitted the manuscript of eight Kalanguyaized OT books for typesetting. PTL for his grace and guidance to us for the past one and a half month as we worked on His Word. God enabled us to finish consultant checking the books of Joshua, 1&2 Samuel, Nehemiah, Esther, Daniel, Haggai and Malachi from March 17th - May 3rd. We are now looking forward to seeing it in print and in the hands of the Kalanguya people.

After that mindboggling Scripture checking, NPMTTA has a timely retreat; so today, I'm here in Bagabag having the 'sleep' of my life (hehehe).

I was disturbed (in a positive way) with the learning session we had yesterday taken from Matt. 21:1-11. This is about the fig tree that was cursed by the Lord Jesus for being fruitless. The speaker wanted us to check ourselves to make sure that our lives are bearing good fruits and not just beautiful leaves; to check our hearts because we might be so busy trying to look nice and good on the outside yet fruitless and joyless within...

Today, the speaker reminded us of the following principles from Joshua 1:1-9.
1. Remember God's presence and power in the past.
2. Remember God's promises for the future.
3. Follow God's prescription for the present.

Pray with us...
1. Margie's flight to Zamboanga on May 15th.
2. Bible Translation Workshop among the Southern Subanen on May 22-27.
- Pray for wisdom for Bong and Margie as they facilitate this workshop.
- Pray also for the participants...
3. Pray for Bob and Judy Ambrosius - protection and safety as they travel from Cambodia to Manila on the 15th and then to the US.
4. Pray for NPMTTA as we try to fullfill our goals and visions for Bible Translation in Northern Luzon and beyond.
5. Pray also for the Agta/Ayta Workshop in October: preparation of the hearts of the participants (Palanan/Casiguran Agtas & Abellen/Mag-indi Aytas), preparation of teaching modules, teaching staff, translation consultant and anything you can think of. :)
6. Pray also for Margie and Bong for wisdom and discernment as they decide on the next step to take regarding Margie's further academic training.
The choices are:
1. Ph D in Linguistics somewhere abroad.
2. MDiv somewhere in the Philippines then MTh in Singapore
3. MDiv to MTh in Singapore
4. Masters in Linguistics and Exegesis in CANIL
5. ____________, _____________ , ___________...

Thank you very much and May God's peace be with you all.

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Anonymous said…
Oy, praise item muna bago prayer requests =) nyahahahaha... Daphne

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