To all who prayed... thank you, she's back in the house now, resting... she's feeling better although she had to sign a promissory note (freeing the MD from any responsibility) just so she can go out... you know sarah, when her mind is made up, it's made up... :)
Thank you manang for posting this for me and thank you also for all who prayed for me. I'm feeling better now but was a bit kahiga to write for a longer update so I just decided to say thanks here :) Halamat ni hi-gayon amin. Halamat ni hi APO DIYOH for the healing. :)
The day before yesterday, I was invited by my ***Utol Norman S. Malcat to share the Word to the family and employees of one of his millionaire friends. ☺️ I was apprehensive to go as I never really had any experience talking in front of rich people, let alone teaching quite highly educated people. I did stand many times in the past before people more knowledgeable than I am, but it has been usually to talk about particular translation topics that I usually am knowledgeable about and for which I have truly prepared and studied. I also do speak almost every Sunday before an audience that may include one or two people who have more academic training than I have but they usually are my friends or they quite know me personally, so last Tuesday was truly a getting-out-of-your-comfort-zone kind of situation and so I was downright terrified. My mind was at 15% Okay-Whatever-I'll-go, and 85%-Ay-Uray-idtana! (NO WAY!) The schedule was postponed twice because of my health c...