I'm at school again! Yes, I am! I like school! :-) One of my courses this semester is Greek I. Last Thursday was our first day, and Greek 1, being my last subject for the week was a breath of fresh air. Last Thursday, we learned our alphabet. It wasn't too different from the way our teachers taught ABC in first grade. So Greek is my favorite subject so far, although the professor likes to pick on me just because I am a Bible Translator.

Funny thing is, there are only two ladies in the group and we seem to be more linguistically inclined than the rest of the male population of our class. Of course I am biased because I am one of the two. My only worry is that our professor is one of those who like to talk a lot; lots of ad libs and sidetracks on every other Greek letter we learn, when all I wanted to do is to plunge right into the subject matter. It's hard enough to learn a new ABC where the P is read as R and the V as N.

Another subject which I decided to be my second favorite is Church History. We will cover the period after 100AD through 1500AD. I think my love for stories will make this course an easy journey. For our first meeting, we saw a biographical movie about St. Francis of Assisi. If you are not a history buff, you'll at least like the selection of movies our professor lined up for us. Who doesn't love movies?


Kayni said…
I love history =). My Dad, he used to teach in Baguio, was a history professor and that's how I got introduced to all kinds of history books. I think I'd enjoy taking classes with you. I was just wondering. Why do you need to learn Greek? It must be fun.
G said…
hi sis!:-) hmm, pareho pala tayong history buff! I am a Bible Translator and the original New Testament was written in Greek. Although there are many interlinear texts, commentaries, Greek to English Dictionaries nowadays, I think it's still beneficial to learn the original language. Diba? Besides, it's a required course for my MDiv program. So I am gonna have to take four semesters of Greek to be able to do basic literal translation directly from the Greek Text. And yes, it's fun!

Thanks sis for coming by! Good Health and more love and more joy to you :)
Wil said…
I wonder how many times you'll hear people joke "it's all greek to me." hehe.

I would like to enroll in another language course, maybe Japanese. i might do so this fall.
G said…
hi wil, hehehe!
i don't think you'll hear anyone, not in my class at least.. cuz we will all pretend that we know more Greek than we actually do... hehe

ever heard of Pimsleur Language learning Program? I tried learning Spanish using this program a few years back and I think it's great. Check it out. If you're only interested in learning to speak a language, and not get into the writing/ grammatical/technical linguistics side of it, Pimsleur is what you need. :)
Anonymous said…
Just like Wil, Japanese is my first choice to study, f I'm motivated, hehe. Have difficult time figuring out if they are angry at each other when conversing or not. I've watched more of their movies than any other foreign films and are "oscar" material.

You're a linguist so it should be a breeze acquiring such knowledge.
Cheers to you and goodhealth.
G said…
hi tru, Really? I don't think I ever saw a Japanese movie! By what you said, it seems like I am short-changing myself.

guess what? being a struggling linguist did not help me any; in fact I had to ignore a few things I know about linguistics just so I can grasp some of the Grrek concepts. I don't know, my guess is, they don't teach Biblical Greek from a linguistic perspective that's why I am having a very difficult time. It's probably the decreasing neurons too.hehe, gamin, adalem ti alphabet, ag-memorize ka pay ti lexicon tapno maawatam diyay isursurat mo! hayyyyy... discouraged ako this week kase nahirapan ako! Well, Cheers na lang sa akin! :D

Grace and Peace to you...

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