I was listening to the last three lectures on my course in TheologyII which is a study on the doctrine of glorification, one of the major themes in the process of salvation when I came across this analogy of the sun and moon and glory.

"We know that the sun is a source of light. It is because of the intense combustion which takes place in it that the sun produces both light and heat. The moon by contrast is a dead body in which there is no heat on the surface and in which there is no intrinsic light. But the moon does appear as lighted because it reflects the light of the sun. The glory of the moon therefore is reflecting the glory of the sun by reflecting the rays that come upon it and sending them on toward those who are of service upon the earth.

This is exactly the situation of the Christian in this life already to some extent, but even more fully at the point of the ultimate consummation of the purpose of salvation. For in heaven indeed, our major purpose will be to glorify God by reflecting the inexpressible greatness and beauty of His own Being and this we will do in a way that is perfectly attuned to the divine purpose.

The glorification of the Christian therefore is not independent of the glory of God. The only Being who deserves glory is God Himself because he is at the center and at the start of the universe. Therefore the aim which is ought to be recognized in the universe is precisely to manifest the glory of God."

                                                                                     Dr. Roger R. Nicole, Th.D., Ph.D 

"The heavens declare the glory of God; 
the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
(Psalm 19:1) 

Well, I just think that this is a good reminder for me... sometimes when this moon is bombarded with and surrounded by busy work, she hides behind the clouds, that the glory of the 'Son' does not shine through nor is it reflected to others.

It is always good to remind ourselves that we are the moon, and therefore, we should reflect the rays of the S_N.

... and before you can be the moon, you gotta be among the heavenly bodies first...

and, the question really is...



Good reflection, sis, and good reminder also :)
Bob Ambrosius said…
Great analogy, Margie. Applicable to all of us. We forget that truth sometimes or at best, don't place enough importance on the fact that we are reflecting "something" to others, for good or bad.. Another question could be, "Whose light are we reflecting?" Love you....and please don't overdo...even in the midst of your heavy schedule. AJ

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