In Case (and I Thought) You Want To Know

I was tagged by kayni

I am: sleepy... hehe
I think: I'm losing my edge... maybe my mind too :)
I know: that God's love in everyone's heart is the only thing that can make this world right.
I have: a dream, to write a bestseller... (a bestseller in my tribe)
I wish: I'm home with my lovey...
I hate: strange men seatmates on a bus seat who are inconsiderate of your discomfort.
I miss: my lovey...
I fear: sugar and acne
I hear: the neighbor's puppy barking
I smell: my laptop overheating
I crave: for my husband's inihaw na tulingan, and kilawin na yellowfin
I search: for long lost friends (and x-bfs (hehe) in yahoo,, altavista, google, etc. every now and then.
I wonder: if i will ever be a mom...
I regret: losing my patience over trivial things with people that I love
I love: reading and translating.... and you!
I ache: whenever I miss B :)
I am not: taking my health for granted anymore.
I believe: that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).
I dance: in my dreams.
I sing: all the time.
I cry: when I'm watching sad movies, reading or listening to sad stories, and when I'm angry.
I fight: when I feel overwhelmed by responsibilities and difficult circumstances.
I win: when I allow myself to get lost in the joy of the moment.
I lose: sleep most nights
I never: thought I'd be right here, right now at this point in my life.
I always: end up 'dreaming'...
I confuse: "it's" and "its" when I write without thinking, and all the English prepositions.
I listen: to people, songs, books, and arts that have a thing or two to say
I am scared: of disappointing myself
I need: a bath (lol, it's midnight)
I am happy about: the prospect of getting a large suitcase filled with books from my boss.
I imagine: lying down on the green grass in my front yard back home looking up at the starry heavens, relaxed, peaceful and alive... i haven't done that in a verrrrrrrry long time.

I tag layad, djin, lovelyn, and ellen.


hi there! uhhmmm, meme..i'll do it. (later po)

anyhow, i like your page's new design. simple yet elegant. :)
admindude said…
Har har har. Pareho tayo ng confusion -- it's vs. its at saka yung preposition na rin :-)
Unknown said… na naman..saka na lang ito pag sipagin at pati ang pag oonline e tinatamad na ako...
G said…
hi ellen, hmm, been to your blog... di mo pa gawa ang meme :)

hi Bil, diba? kakalito naman kase talaga ang mga prepositions, kase naman ang mga English prep translatable lang ng 2-4 linkers sa mga Cordillera languages.

ading ko! gawin mo na para masaya! :) Musta ang pagdyidyeta mo? :p
lovelyn said…
Thanks for the tag! You made me laugh about Yahoo searching your ex-BF's... Who doesn't do that? hahaha
G said…
hi lovelyn,
talaga? you do it too? and here was I thinking that I must be nuts! hehehhe

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