where i've been

Wow, it's exactly two months now since I last wrote an entry here, not counting the previous entry that I just copied and pasted from a forwarded email. And I think people don't come here anymore,:) most probably because of my absence here and in their comment sections as well. ;)

I've been busy and then got lazy and then lazier after that. I woke up one morning feeling lousy.. to make the story short, I found out I'm carrying again but I didn't wanna make a big fuss about it cuz there is a big chance it might turn out to be like the first one so I kept it to myself for about a week before people in my house heard about it. A few days after, I began cramping and bleeding and all those gross things that happen to women. We ran to the doc, and she said I might be miscarrying but that I might try staying in bed, keeping off my feet for days until my body stops leaking. So I did, but if boredom could kill, I'd be dead by now, after three days of bed rest doing nothing but reading, taking my turns in my online scrabble games and changing my status in facebook.

I did feel better and the doctor thinks I have not lost my baby after I had that complete bed rest for three straight days. But I got bored so I convinced myself that it's ok to get up again so I went back to work yesterday. This morning, I woke up to go to the bath and the next thing i know, I fainted on the bathroom floor. They said these are classic signs and symptoms of pregnancy. They sure are difficult to go through... so I'm back in bed again, and my world is spinning. My husband made me a nice breakfast tray that serves as my desk while resting in bed, .. so I'm quite functional still. The only thing not dizzy are my fingers, :) thank God, I still can type... :)


Unknown said…
thanks for finally sharing the news te!praying for yah...extra care always!
Kayni said…
I've missed you, sis. I'm glad you're okay. Do rest. I understand it can get boring, but stay patient. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Anonymous said…
you may really need a long yet entertaining rest..
be well..stay safe.

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