Here again...

Wow, I have neglected this blog for a long time that I don't think anyone comes here anymore until I read a new comment on the previous entry.

Well, my cop out for not writing anything here for months (Is it months?) was because I have been terribly busy as everyone else.

Honestly, after I lost my baby, I associated blogging with heavy emotions. So since I did not want to 'feel' for a time, I stopped writing blogs (although I did write everything from teaching materials, my husband's sermon outlines, to scripts). But boy, did I miss blogging and the interaction with readers that sometimes comes with it when your friends feel oblige to acknowledge that they did read what you wrote (hehe). I decided to write something today not because I have something profound to say, (maybe I do have, we'll see:) but because I just wanted to be here again.

Many things happened since June. Hubby and I went for a 2-week vacation in the beautiful island of Camiguin which was a very relaxing vacation indeed. Thanks to those of you who made it possible. We came back and I immersed myself in my work trying to catch up on everything. I've been doing Scripture drafting, checking, and teaching (with a few trips to Jollibee or McDonald with my nephews and nieces, healthy or not.

My younger brother and his wife had another baby in mid-September so Bong and I enjoyed playing a lot with their 15-month old firstborn. They decided to go for a permanent contraception but not after they thought I was serious when I joked that they should hold the surgery off until they have another baby, and to give it to me at birth. :)

One Sunday last month, my sister and I went to help our brothers bring in their tomatoes from the farm. We reached the farm and found out that they were already done harvesting so we were only able to help in washing the fruits (or veges if you will) and classifying them into small, medium, and big ones. Boy, did I enjoy the hike and the fresh air up in the mountains, and the free ripe guavas as well which are so plentiful in the hills of my little village, Mapayao.

Yesterday, I woke up and saw some pretty daisies and roses arranged on my dining table. So I excitedly searched for B thinking that he at last acquiesced into buying me some flowers. So I asked him what's up with the flowers, and he said, "I don't know!" with his eyes glued on the tv. So much for expecting flowers from my lovey!!! See, I always ask him to buy me flowers and he said he would like to but then it would be like he bought one because I asked, so he doesn't. Hah! Men!!! The flowers? Well, an aunt gave them to my sister and my dear little sis shared some to me.

So to punish hubby for bursting my balloon (of him buying me flowers at last), I asked him to take my Christmas tree down from the storage and put it up for me. So he did. I don't know why but I love Christmas trees... mine is in need of more lights and ribbons but I still love it.

Tomorrow, I'll be in a Hebrew discourse workshop. I actually should be reading up on the topic right now, and analyzing the discourse of some Kalanguya narratives but my brain is so fried-- what with trying to figure out how to use a computer program for typesetting, one that I have never seen before... that it seems now's a good time to take a break. So there!

Hello to you all! :) I'll be dropping by your pages, next.


Bob Ambrosius said…
Thanks, Margie for blogging. I love reading what you write, profound or is your life and your thoughts. God bless you!
Jean B said…
pehed ngo...mayat=)
bob arsenio said…
hmmmm.....hiya min....always good to read update of what had been happening.
xansui dyte said…
good u'r back kabsat!

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