
For a few days, I abstained from logging on to my Facebook account and if I did, it was only to update my status. As a result of my absence, some people wondered. One of the people who kind of got worried was an ex-boyfriend who has become a very good friend and his other ex girlfriend who was also an old friend of mine in High School. So when I finally got back in circulation, I heard that my EX is coming back to the country very soon and that he wants to see me and his other ex and his old friends. I told my old friend (who does not know that I am also an ex of her ex, lol) that I won't be able to make it so she'll have to give Mr. Ex a hug from me. And then she panicked. And I don't know why... :)

I was just thinking, it's funny how life turned out for the three of us. I used to be so jealous of my high school friend (but you see, I was the one who brought them together when I learned that my friend has a crush on the guy. The guy and I used to live in the same compound and we used to eat on the same table, ride the same bus or jeep to school. Hence, he was like this big brother figure whom I fell for in the end.) After High School, we got in touch again, and he became my first boyfriend although we were miles apart. I took the course I took in college because it was the surest way that we could be together as soon as I'm done. So I loved him for three years but a few weeks before graduation, he, not in so many words, asked me to leave him. Being the girl who has a problem with self-confidence, I did not even try to fight for my heart. I left him (and I learned in the end that he was in so much trouble at the time (parental problems, etc) and a good girlfriend would have stayed and supported her man).

But in the end, it's all good, we're all friends again, and thanks to Facebook I have become reacquainted with my Ex Bf and my ex friend again, and we talk about our own families, our husbands, his wife, their children, and every other thing under the sun. So he's coming home and wants to see his old friends. And I know my husband would even accompany me if I want to go to this sort of a high school reunion. All that to say that FB has enabled a lot of us to reconnect with our past lives. Yun lang! :)


Wil said…
Well, I guess even I have to admit that Facebook is good for something despite its flaws. =D
Kayni said…
Good to read from you sis. What a situation you guys have, but I'm glad to know that all ended well - you're all friends. I think that's most important.

I love the new look.

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