...from the deep...

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee!"  You said,
So I'm crying out now Lord, in the midst of this chaos
Help me, please, save me from myself
Call me by my name, let my eyes behold you again.

Save me from the burning of my heart
Pour out and scrape the acid in my tongue
Fill my soul with your peace that is beyond compare
And I shall keep my quiet and listen to your instruction.

Give me the grace to humble myself
Grant me a heart that trusts in your care
Help me to be honest in facing myself
Supply me with patience and peace.

Teach me love that I may not judge
Show me faith that I may believe
Hold my mind that I may not wander
Keep my heart so I can love you back.


cool mhar said…
NICE one manang...can i copy this? thank you in advance!
Margie Lumawan said…
thnks... sure... basta all rights reserved ha.. :)

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