At least say Hi!
Do you have people in your FB friends list who keep sending you long devotionals or news without even having a personal conversation with you ever since you accepted their friend request? I have been receiving a considerable number of chain messages in my private messaging box and today I got so irritated that I started to write a status message on Facebook about it. But then I thought better of it, and so I cut it from there and decided to come and reflect here. This was what I wrote: "To Whom It May Concern: Please stop forwarding chain messages to my inbox, even ones which you think I might be interested in. It is annoying to see very long copied and pasted stuff from people who don't even bother to say Hello!" It was a mild rebuke I know but I thought of the bitter taste it might leave some of my friends who would chance at it and how I would be causing the same irritation these chain messages caused in me. Therefore, I decided against it. It is always good f...