At least say Hi!

Do you have people in your FB friends list who keep sending you long devotionals or news without even having a personal conversation with you ever since you accepted their friend request?  I have been receiving a considerable number of chain messages in my private messaging box and today I got so irritated that I started to write a status message on Facebook about it.  But then I thought better of it, and so I cut it from there and decided to come and reflect here.  This was what I wrote:

"To Whom It May Concern: Please stop forwarding chain messages to my inbox, even ones which you think I might be interested in. It is annoying to see very long copied and pasted stuff from people who don't even bother to say Hello!"

It was a mild rebuke I know but I thought of the bitter taste it might leave some of my friends who would chance at it and how I would be causing the same irritation these chain messages caused in me. Therefore, I decided against it. It is always good for me to write about something that has affected me emotionally, but it is seldom a good idea to publish it for the world to see. Like my father used to say, it is always better to think better about people, to understand them when you can, and give them the benefit of a doubt, rather than go raving mad when you have the choice to stay cool.

mY Synapses...


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