of big shoes and lessons

April 2001

I woke up early this morning and went straight to doing my weekend chores...like hanging a two-week worth of laundry under the sun (before the sun is up), afterwhich I went back to bed to do some reading. Three hours later, my mom came and said, "Men ina-no? Ollaw law!" (Are you ready? We're about to leave!") I was confused for a moment then I realized it's the first Saturday of the month and I need to be somewhere to teach. It totally slipped my mind as my mind was still all over the place from Xami's stay in the hospital and then traveling right after it and coming home again. I changed and put my things in my backpack and was gonna put on my shoes only to realize I don't have any appropriate shoes. I asked the hubby if I can try one of his and a pair looked not so bad as the others. So off we went with me looking like I have boats attached to my feet rather than shoes. I used the lesson that I prepared for a women's conference last month, the one where I got lost and could not find the venue, so I didn't get to teach it during that time, but I got to teach it this morning. 🤭😁😁

There were not many of us today, compared to other ones we had previously. But I am glad I went because God encouraged me to go on with this ministry. I remember how I sort of promised when my dad died that we won't let him down, in terms of the teaching ministries he started, but there are times when self-doubt plagues me, because I know, his was a big shoes to fill. Sometimes, I feel like I am not effective in teaching because I think that I do not see that much results first hand. Today, someone testified as to how the Lord has been using this monthly gatherings to grow her in her faith in the Lord Jesus and how the Word of God she hears from these meetings is being used to make her a better wife, a better mother, a better woman. I uttered silently, "Yes, let's keep doing this, Lord, if You can use me to bless even just one life, then it is worth it. I wanna be where You are doing your work."  It may have started as just me keeping a promise to my dad, and it may always be that I could never fill the shoes of anyone who came before me, but even more than that, it is really the least I could do after everything that the Lord has done for me. 


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